Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder and Treatment Options
Apr 21, 2025
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Join us for an interactive webinar where we will provide an in-depth overview of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), including its definition and diagnostic criteria. Participants will learn about the prevalence of AUD within various populations, as well as how this has changed over time. The session will also focus on identifying at-risk demographic groups and understanding the associated health risks. Lastly, attendees will gain practical insights into best practices for screening and implementing brief interventions in both clinical and community health settings, aimed at addressing and managing AUD.
Learning Objectives:
- Define Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and explain its diagnostic criteria.
- Examine the prevalence of AUD in the population and discuss how trends have evolved over time.
- Identify at-risk demographic groups for AUD and highlight associated health risks.
- Discuss best practices for screening and brief interventions in clinical and community health settings.
1 CE Credit pending (1.0 hour):
- CME credit (pending)
- MCBAP (pending)
- Social Work CE credit (pending)
- Meets DEA Training Requirements
- Anne Fernandez, Ph.D.
Who should take this training:
- Medical professionals
- Social workers
- Addiction professionals
- Mental health professionals