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Medications for Opioid Use Disorder

Medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is the gold standard evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). There are several things to consider when using MOUD, including: type of medication to start such as buprenorphine, initiation dosing methods, frequency of follow-up visits, potential withdrawal support, treatment maintenance, urine drug screening, and potential return to use. Explore frequently asked questions to learn more.

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder

Medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is the gold standard evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). There are three FDA-approved medications for OUD: methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. These medications are essential in the treatment and management of addiction to opioids. Notably, methadone and buprenorphine are the only treatments for OUD associated with up to 50% reduction in opioid overdose and death.1 MOUD treatment has been proven to effective in2:

  • Reducing risk of overdose and death
  • Reduced opioid use and related symptoms
  • Reduced cravings and withdrawal symptoms
  • Interrupting the cycle of seeking, using, and recovering from drug use
  • Increased treatment retention
  • Improved HIV and Hepatitis C outcomes
  • Restoring the normal reward pathway in the brain

The profound gap between the science of addiction and current practice…is a result of decades of marginalizing addiction as a social problem rather than treating it as a medical condition. Much of what passes for ”treatment” of addiction bears little resemblance to the treatment of other health conditions.
Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap Between Addiction and Science

Buprenorphine or Buprenorphine/Naloxone 

Buprenorphine is a schedule III-controlled medication and is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is primarily used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain. It is the first medication to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) that can reduce overdose mortality AND be prescribed or dispensed in physician offices, significantly increasing access to life-saving treatment. 

Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist that binds to the mu-opioid receptors in the brain but activates the receptors to a lesser extent than full opioid agonists such as heroin or methadone. This partial activation provides analgesia and relief from withdrawal symptoms and cravings without the full respiratory depressive effects seen with full agonists. This helps protect against overdose.  Buprenorphine binds very tightly to opioid receptors, which makes it effective in blocking other opioids. Buprenorphine stabilizes the receptors in the brain and decreases disruption of the pleasure reward pathways. Buprenorphine is available in various forms including long acting injectables and is often combined with naloxone to further deter misuse and diversion. 

Buprenorphine Formulations3

Approved for OUD:

  • Buprenorphine extended‐release (Brixadi®) injection for subcutaneous use
  • Buprenorphine extended‐release (Sublocade®) injection for subcutaneous use
  • Buprenorphine/naloxone film (Suboxone®) for sublingual or buccal use
  • Buprenorphine/naloxone (Zubsolv®) tablets for sublingual use
  • Buprenorphine (Subutex®) tablets for sublingual use

Other formulations approved for pain:

  • Buprenorphine (Buprenex®) for IV/IM Injectable
  • Buprenorphine (Butrans®) Transdermal Patch
  • Buprenorphine (Belbuca®) for buccal use


Extended-release, injectable naltrexone (Vivitrol) is an (FDA) approved opioid antagonist used to treat OUD. It is also available in pill form but that is not approved for OUD. It is not a controlled substance. Naltrexone blocks the effects of opioids, preventing intoxication and physical dependence. This reduces the rewarding aspects of opioid use that create cravings for more. Naltrexone can be prescribed and administered by any clinician with a license to prescribe medications and is administered monthly by a clinician. Naltrexone does not help acute opioid detoxification and withdrawal symptoms. An individual must complete detoxification and withdrawal from opioids before starting Naltrexone to avoid precipitated withdrawal. 

  • Naltrexone is best for patients who:
    • Do not want to take opioids or daily medication 
    • Have minimal withdrawal symptoms or opioid cravings 
    • AST/ALT <3-5x upper limit of normal 
    • Ability to make it to clinic to receive medication monthly 
    • Have co-occurring alcohol use disorder
  • Naltrexone is not recommended for patients who are:
    • Pregnant or breastfeeding
    • On opioid agonist therapy
    • In acute hepatitis or liver failure 

Naltrexone Formulations3

  • Vivitrol® (naltrexone for extended-release injectable suspension) intramuscular
  • Of note, other formulations of naltrexone are available but are not approved by the FDA to treat OUD.

A graphic of a doctor on a mobile phone talking about MOUD treatment with a patient.


Methadone is a schedule II-controlled medication and is a long-acting full opioid agonist. It reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms by acting on opioid receptors in the brain. Methadone can only be dispensed through a SAMHSA certified Opioid Treatment Program (OTP). Methadone is the most studied pharmacotherapy for OUD and has by far the longest track record (nearly 50 years).

Methadone Formulations3

  • Methadone hydrochloride tablets for oral suspension
  • Methadose® (methadone hydrochloride) oral concentrate and tablets for oral suspension
  • Methadone hydrochloride oral concentrate

A note on diversion (medication sharing):

Buprenorphine diversion is often associated with avoiding withdrawal symptoms and other opioid use or helping someone else avoid withdrawal symptoms. Here a few points in addressing and responding to suspected diversion:

  • Research supports barring access to treatment does NOT reduce diversion
  • Use Buprenorphine/Naloxone combination
  • Continually assess medical and psychological health and social functioning
  • Continually assess dosage and side effects with patient
  • Shorter prescriptions, more frequent office visits for new and unstable patients
  • Address comorbid substance use disorders 

Buprenorphine Initiation

Intake and Assessment Considerations4

The information below is meant to be used as a general guide when completing an assessment for substance use. For tools, algorithms, and documentation tips, visit: OBAT Clinical Tools and Forms | Resources | Grayken Center for Addiction TTA | Boston Medical Center.

  • Assess substance use including current and historical use. Current use should include each substance, last date of use, how much and how often substance is used, any length of abstinence from substance, and evidence of withdrawal upon discontinuing substance.
    • Taking a thorough substance use history can be time consuming. Extreme details of use of each substance is not required at the first visit to initiate buprenorphine. Particularly for time-pressed primary care clinicians, this is not always practical and can be a deterrent to clinicians feeling that they can prescribe.
    • A note on concurrent sedative-hypnotics use: Alcohol and other sedative-hypnotics are relative, not absolute, contraindications to buprenorphine. Deaths have resulted from injecting high potency benzodiazepines. Identify and refer patients who are willing and able to undergo medically supervised withdrawal management from alcohol, benzodiazepines or other sedatives. However, with shared decision-making between patient and clinician regarding risks/benefits, buprenorphine should not be withheld. The FDA urges caution about withholding opioid addiction medications from patients taking benzodiazepines or CNS depressants. Careful medication management can reduce risks.
    • Substance Use History Basic Example:
SubstanceAge of first useDate of last useQuantityHow oftenRouteTreatment historyPeriods of sustained abstinenceConsequences of use
Oxycodone156/10/2410 tabletsDailySnortResidential in 20223 months in 2022Lost job
  • Review DSM-5 criteria for opioid use disorder (OUD) and assess for other substance use disorders
  • Remember the 4C’s: Cravings, Compulsions, Control, and Consequences.
  • Assess for co-occurring conditions like depression and anxiety and consider management needed. 
  • According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 37.9% of adults with substance use disorders also have mental illnesses.
  • Educate the patient on the FDA-approved treatment options for Opioid Use Disorder and the associated risks and benefits. 
  • Determine patient’s interest in participating in treatment

Before Starting Buprenorphine

Once the provider and patient decide together to move forward with starting buprenorphine consider the following steps. 

  1. Obtain Informed Consent
    • Consider the following in discussion: 
      • Potential for relapse and overdose if buprenorphine is discontinued.
      • Education about the effects of using opioids and other drugs while taking the prescribed medication, with particular focus on the risk of combining buprenorphine with sedatives.
      • Potential for overdose if opioid use is resumed after tolerance is lost.
      • Discussion about birth control if pregnancy is not desired.
    • Sample Consent Form:  Treatment Consent Forms: Transmucosal Buprenorphine Consent Form
  2. Review Treatment Agreement and Start Talking Form
    • Utilizing a treatment agreement is at the discretion of the prescribing clinician and/or practice. Here is a draft agreement you can tailor to your needs: 
    • The State of Michigan Start Talking form is required any time an opioid is prescribed
  3. Consider Lab Work
    • Lab work is not required prior to initiation but recommended at time of initiation. 
    • While there is no gold standard for types of labs, consider the following based on each patient: 
      • CMP 
      • Hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody
      • Hepatitis C antibody
      • HIV 
      • Liver enzymes
      • Pregnancy test
      • Urine drug screen
  4.  Administer the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS).
    • The COWS is an 11-item scale designed to be administered by a clinician. This tool can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings to reproducibly rate common signs and symptoms of opiate withdrawal and monitor these symptoms over time.

Sample Buprenorphine Treatment Agreement

Use this sample agreement as a starting point when prescribing buprenorphine.

Initiation Methods

Questions about initiation? Utilize OPEN’s expert consultationA graphic of a doctor prescribing MOUD treatment on a mobile phone. service!

In general, there are three methods for initiating buprenorphine, but strategies for initiation in practice can vary greatly based on clinician and patient. Standard and low dose initiation are safe and effective as home-based initiation. A third strategy, high dose initiation, is being explored but currently not used widely in the outpatient setting. All strategies are most effective with check-ins from a clinical staff member during the initiation process. Evidence shows that a higher initiation dose of buprenorphine (at least 16 mg) is associated with decreased return to opioid use and better retention in treatment, particularly for patients using fentanyl (thus with high tolerance).

General Considerations:

  • For patients using illicit opioids, symptom burden guides timing of buprenorphine initiation, not time of abstaining from use. 
    • For patients using illicit fentanyl, anticipate a waiting period of approximately 24-72+ hours when initiating buprenorphine
      • Target is a COWs ≥ 12, SOWS ≥ 17
  •  For patients using prescribed short-acting opioids, anticipate a waiting period of approximately 12-16 hours prior to buprenorphine initiation
    • Many patients will have no or minimal opioid withdrawal symptoms, so do not use a symptom triggered protocol with COWs 
  •  ASAM 2020 Opioid Use Disorder National practice guidelines state both office-based and home-based observation is considered safe and effective.1 Unsupervised initiation is standard practice with rare exceptions. There are many benefits to unsupervised initiation such as:
    • A patient’s in their own space
    • Do not need driver
    • No need to delay initiation due to scheduling
    • Lesser burden on clinical time/resources
    • Anonymity compromised if in withdrawal in waiting room

Expert Consultation Services

Have a tough clinical scenario or questions about starting an MOUD treatment program? Request a virtual consultation with one of OPEN’s addiction specialists and/or Behavioral Health Consultants. Available Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM.

Standard Dose Initiation

This strategy requires the patient to be in opioid withdrawal. The patient stops their full opioid for approximately 12-72 hours (depending on type of opioid used), experiences withdrawal symptoms, and then begins buprenorphine. Withdrawal support medications can aid in this process.

  • Does not have the ability to access fuller opioid agonist
  • Is in an outpatient setting
  • Is already in withdrawal or desires to stop use of their full opioid agonist immediately
  • Example protocol: Buprenorphine Standard Dose Initiation

Starting Buprenorphine: Standard Initiation

This document is a guideline to starting buprenorphine at a standard dose.

Low Dose Initiation

This strategy requires that the patient continues their full agonist while increasing buprenorphine. The patient initiates a very low dose of buprenorphine (typically starting at 0.5mg), slowly increasing the dose daily over a period of time while continuing to use their full opioid agonist at their usual dose. Continuation of the full opioid agonist is vital to success with this strategy. Only after the period of initiation is over (typically 7 days, though 3 day protocols are also used at times) does the patient stop their full opioid agonist. When carried out correctly, the patient should never experience any withdrawal symptoms.

  • Is primarily using fentanyl
  • Did not tolerate traditional induction in the past
  • Has safe full-agonist supply for one week
  • Has comorbid chronic pain
  • Can understand and follow detailed instruction
  • Example protocol: Buprenorphine Low Dose Initiation

Starting Buprenorphine: Low Dose Initiation

This document offers a guideline to starting buprenorphine at a low dose.

High Dose Initiation

This initiation strategy originally started in emergency departments after a patient had an overdose and was given Naloxone. It requires that the patient stop their opioid agonist for approximately 8-48 hours and experiences withdrawal. In contrast to the traditional initiation, dosing escalates rapidly on the first day to reach 24-32 mg buprenorphine.

  • Already in withdrawal
  • In the ED setting

Case Examples 

The below examples are brief, simplified cases for educational purposes and are not meant to be advice for a particular patient case. Shared decision-making with the patient is key to success. 

  • Patient who reports snorting mostly “blue pills” (fentanyl) and experienced precipitated withdrawal when last attempting to start buprenorphine → suggest low dose initiation
  • Patient who is using her mother’s prescribed oxycodone (and is quite certain they are prescribed, thus not fentanyl) and who has never tried buprenorphine in the past. Her friend is with her, offering support during her withdrawal symptoms → suggest standard initiation, waiting 12-24 hours after last opioid use
  • Patient presenting to you 12 hours since their last opioid use, already in mild withdrawal → suggest standard initiation
  • Patient who reports that they want their last use of opioids to be just before they walked into your clinic. They have experienced precipitated withdrawal in the past when trying to start buprenorphine, but are not interested/willing to continue their full opioid agonist during a longer initiation → suggest standard initiation (or high dose if likely has high tolerance/using exclusively fentanyl)
  • Patient who is living in a tent or couch surfing, with no easy access to a bathroom or bed → suggest low dose initiation


A graphic of a patient picking up their MOUD prescription from the pharmacy.

MOUD allowed me to begin my life. I've been under the influence of some mind-altering substance for so long that I didn't know what living a life actually felt like or how good it could be. I went from living with my parents to having my own apartment. I have my own transportation, I can hold a job now. Issues with my health have finally been addressed. I can set healthy boundaries. I respect myself. I find enjoyment in doing things again. I'm no longer ridden with the shame and guilt that I was before over my addiction. Really, I never imagined my life could be as good as it is now.
Person in Recovery

Withdrawal Management

Always offer opioid withdrawal support medications, for any type of initiation. If pursuing traditional or high dose initiation, encourage patients to start withdrawal support medications prior to their most significant withdrawal symptoms. Discuss with patients which medications are helpful for which symptom. These medications can be helpful to start a few hours after last use and prior to onset of withdrawal symptoms:

  • Clonidine*, tizanidine*, lofexidine (hyperadrenergic state)
  • NSAIDS (muscle cramps and pain)
  • Benzodiazepines (insomnia)
  • Dicyclomine (abdominal cramps)
  • Bismuth Subsalicylate or loperamide (diarrhea)

*Off-label use.

Opioid Withdrawal Support/Comfort Medications

This resource will help providers successfully provide withdrawal comfort and support.

Follow-Up Visits

Stabilizing a patient on buprenorphine involves transitioning the patient from a state of opioid dependence or addiction to a stable state where cravings and withdrawal symptoms are effectively managed. Once stabilized on OUD medication, many patients stop using illicit opioids completely. Others continue to use for some time, but less frequently and in smaller amounts, which reduces their risk of morbidity and overdose death. 

Schedule regular appointments to monitor the patient’s progress, adherence, and any side effects. Determining the patient’s follow up schedule should be done through good clinical judgment and shared decision making with the patient. According to the Boston Medical Center Office Based Addiction Treatment manual, “Once stable, clinic visits can be every 2 to 4 weeks with refills that coincide with visits.” Initially, visits may be weekly for the first month and then gradually increase the time in between as the patient makes progress. During these visits, talk to the patient about how they are doing and make adjustments to ensure the dose of medication is effective and tailored based on withdrawal symptoms, cravings, side effects, current substance use, social supports, etc.5 

A graphic of a doctor on the phone with a patient.

  1. Check for opioid withdrawal symptoms, buprenorphine side effects, cravings, mood, pain, and sleep quality. Poor sleep quality is common in early recovery so managing expectations is important. 
  2. If the patient has side effects of poor sleep, suggest the patient not take medication within four hours of sleep.
  3. If the patient presents with symptoms of mania or reports fatigue, the dose may be too high.
  1. Inhibiting cravings is a treatment goal as it has been associated with decreased use and improved quality of life. Cravings are dynamic and vary throughout the day. Cravings can be triggered due to stress. Buprenorphine will not completely suppress these cravings.
  1. Burenorphine is FDA approved for OUD as a once a day medication, but most patients prefer to take it twice per day. Is it often prescribed BID and sometimes TID depending on the patient’s particular needs. 
  2. Once the patient is stabilized, try to keep their dosing the same. Buprenorphine is used as a stabilizing medication and it should remain at a high level with all the receptors occupied all the time as opposed to using other low dose pain medications that are taken as needed. 
  3. When prescribing a “month’s” worth of medication, prescribe 28 days of medication so the patient doesn’t run out on the weekend.
  4. Buprenorphine can be prescribed as ½ film in Michigan. (1.5 films every day)
  5. Michigan Medicaid will cover a maximum dose of 24-6 mg of buprenorphine-naloxone every day.
  1. Remember polysubstance use is common, not rare!
  2. It is not a reason  to discontinue treatment but an opportunity to further provide support.
  1. Review the PDMP to ensure the patient is not receiving controlled substances from other providers. 
  2. It is important to note the limitations of the PDMP.
    • Medications like Methadone dispensed from an Opioid Treatment Program and medications like Sublocade coming from specialty pharmacies will not show up on PDMP’s. 
    • There is a lack of communication between all state programs. 
    • There can be a lag in data uploaded to the system, and there are limitations in who can access reports.
  1. Ask patients how they doing with meeting basic needs that are imperative to their treatment success
  2. Provide contacts for wraparound services such as food, shelter, childcare, legal challenges, to help them be successful in their treatment plan! 
  3. While this may feel challenging as the clinician, help the patient engage with a peer recovery coach, social worker, or community health worker who can help them get connected with local services!
  4. OPEN can help to support your practice in making these connections through our regional behavioral health consultants. Get in touch with us at
  1. Liver Enzymes
  2. Urine Drug Screens (UDS)
    • How often to test: Both the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association Tip 63 and the American Society of Addiction Medicine state that the frequency of drug testing will be clinically determined and depend on a number of factors including the stability of the patient, the type of treatment, and the treatment setting. *Important note: Prescribers must know what type of drug test they are using and how that test works.
  1. 80% of pregnancies in patients with OUD are unintended
  2. Long-acting reversible contraceptives can be a safe and effective way to help patients meet the goal of avoiding pregnancy.



A graphic of a patient's hand holding their MOUD prescription.

Although research on the optimal duration of addiction treatment is limited, existing studies generally indicate that longer treatment periods lead to better outcomes according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s 2020 Clinical Guidelines.2 Similarly, SAMHSA’s TIP 63 Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (2021) states that the most favorable results are achieved when patients continue to receive medication for as long as it remains beneficial, a strategy often referred to as “maintenance treatment.”5  Studies suggest rates of 50-90% of patients return to opioid use at least one month after buprenorphine taper/discontinuation. Evidence supports better outcomes with longer retention in treatment. 

If a patient expresses a desire to discontinue treatment, talk to them about things such as:

  • Why do they want to taper? Why now? 
  • What is different than before? 
  • What is their safety plan? 
  • Educate patient on loss of tolerance and increased risk of overdose 
  • Continue to follow-up with patient after taper completion


Return To Use

People with substance use disorder experience incidents of relapse just like others do with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and asthma.6

A graphic of a doctor looking at a patients x-ray of their spine to show where they are experiencing pain.

Using medication to treat opioid use disorder, combined with supportive counseling and therapy that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, produces the best remission outcomes. Precipitants to return to use often include negative affect, response to stressors and stimuli, or family/relational conflict. Cravings/cues like people, places, things, social pressures, and stress can precipitate a return to use. 

If a patient has returned to use, do NOT discharge them from your care but rather attempt to re-engage with the patient. Use this as an opportunity to re-evaluate a patient’s care plan, explore other opportunities, and determine if a higher level of care may be appropriate just as we do for other chronic diseases.

Urine Drug Screening

General Goal

“Providers should order the right test, for the right patient, at the right time, with the goal of conducting toxicology screening only as often as needed to create an appropriate treatment plan that supports patient safety and recovery goals.”5 Urine drug screening (UDS) practices should focus on supporting patient wellness and recovery, not surveillance or punishment, and drug screening results should never be the sole basis for a treatment decision. It is important to recognize that because UDS is used in many different settings including legal and carceral settings, patients may be apprehensive about UDS due to the historical punitive nature of these contexts. Patients should always be informed that a UDS is ordered and never done blindly without a patient’s knowledge.

SAMHSA Tip 63 (pages 2-14 to 2-16)

Offers more information about testing and interpretations along with treatment implications.5

Massachusetts Nurse Care Manager Model of Office Based Addiction Treatment: Clinical Guidelines

Massachusetts Nurse Care Manager Model of Office Based Addiction Treatment: Clinical Guidelines.4

Urine Drug Testing Guide – Ordering and Interpretation

Use this guide to help order urine testing and interpret the results.

  • UDS helps confirm the presence of opioids and other substances in the patient’s system, which is helpful for diagnosing OUD. It provides objective data (keeping in mind false positives and negatives) about a patient’s drug use. Because of the unpredictable illicit drug supply, patients may think they are taking a stimulant in a pressed pill that’s actually pressed with Fentanyl. 
  • Screening can detect the use of other substances, such as benzodiazepines, cocaine, or alcohol, which can affect the choice of MOUD, discussion of risks/benefits, and overall treatment plan.
  • UDS results help the provider and patient confirm what the patient is consuming and is a conversation starter between provider and patient to determine treatment goals and support patient safety and recovery. 
  • UDS can contribute to an assessment of a patient’s adherence to buprenorphine therapy (based on the presence of buprenorphine in urine).
  • The results of the UDS can inform the selection of the most appropriate MOUD (e.g., methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone). It can contribute to the clinical picture of the patient’s substance use patterns and help avoid precipitated withdrawal.
  • The UDS can identify substances that might interact negatively with MOUD medications, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.
  • UDS results can improve communication between provider and patient, especially when unexpected results happen. 
  • If a patient has returned to use, do NOT discharge them from your care but rather attempt to re-engage with the patient. Use this as an opportunity to re-evaluate a patient’s care plan, increase the support you offer, explore other opportunities, and determine if a higher level of care may be appropriate.
  • Regular drug screening fosters open communication between the patient and healthcare provider, building trust and encouraging honesty about substance use. 
    • “As part of your treatment, I will request urine drug tests. We will review the results together to help determine how well our treatments are working for you. This testing is never intended to make you feel nervous or ashamed, regardless of the results.”
    • “I request urine drug screens on all my patients prescribed these medications.”
    • “If I find something unexpected, we will talk about it and work together to address it.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions from our Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Trainings. Interested in attending a training? Check out our events page!

A graphic of a doctor talking with an elderly patient about their pain.

Buprenorphine (Subutex®) and Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone®)

When taken correctly, naloxone won’t be active, so both medications theoretically should have the same therapeutic effect.

The buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) is considered an abuse deterrent formulation. If taken as prescribed (sublingual) the only buprenorphine works as expected, however if it is injected, the antagonist (naloxone) blocks the effect of the buprenorphine.

Injectable formulations are very effective for some patients. There are two different long-acting buprenorphine injectable formulations- Brixadi® and Sublocade®. For some patients with a very high tolerance, the step-down dose of Sublocade® is not enough. In these cases, we may continue the 300 mg dose, but can be very effective and can break some of the behavioral aspects of self-managing medications. Suboxone® also has a long half-life so as long as they take it daily, they reach a very stable steady state.

It is uncommon to “need” the non-abuse deterrent form (buprenorphine alone, rather than Suboxone®). It used to be recommended for pregnant patients but now Suboxone® is used in all situations.

Buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) is an opioid so when people are physically dependent on any opioid if they stop they will go through withdrawal.

There is no difference in rate of precipitated withdrawal with buprenorphine (Subutex®) and buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®).  The buprenorphine component is what can cause the patient to experience a precipitated withdrawal.

A patient should stay on a maintenance dose of buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) for as long as it is helping. For many people that is years, not months.

Some patients do have a preference for the brand name. Most prescribers start generic and switch if the patient cannot tolerate it. It is hard to predict who will like/tolerate which version, especially since many patients are also having withdrawal symptoms, which can make it confusing as nothing tastes good when withdrawing from opioids.

Low-dose initiations (also referred to as micro induction) works well for any patient and is often the only option for those taking fentanyl.

No. While this was historically a requirement, evidence has since shown that buprenorphine treatment alone is effective at reducing morbidity and mortality. Do offer to connect patients to behavioral health treatment, but this should never be a barrier to a buprenorphine prescription.


Naltrexone and naloxone have the same mechanism of action but ONLY naltrexone is orally bioavailable. Naloxone is NOT.

Yes. Use caution with more advanced liver disease, but in most cases, naltrexone is safe. Have questions? Utilize OPEN’s consultation service and review these complex cases with our expert hepatologist!


Start buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®), or methadone if working with an opioid treatment program (OTP).

Buprenorphine is compatible with breastfeeding. Naltrexone has not been studied well in pregnancy/breastfeeding so generally not recommended. There are a number of studies currently being done with the long-acting naltrexone in pregnancy.


Treating acute pain in someone who is taking long-acting naltrexone is very challenging. The patient will need more opioid medication to overcome the naltrexone blockage and full agonists are a better choice (hydromorphone usually). Encourage the patient to have a medical alert bracelet due to the risk of respiratory depression.

Polysubstance Use

  1. Naltrexone is not an option in this situation because it will trigger withdrawal by displacing the buprenorphine from the opioid receptor and trigger immediate withdrawal. This experience can be very unpleasant.
  2. Other options include:
    • Consider other medications used to treat AUD like acamprosate or disulfiram. 
    • Wean the patient’s buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) to 0 and then start Vivitrol after 10-14 days of opioid free period. This is typically a very high risk approach for someone with an Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). 
    • Often the answer is non-medication approaches to AUD which can be effective. Visit OPEN’s AUD Toolkit for more information.

Technical Assistance

Yes, MOUD initiation can happen with a new patient on the first visit especially if a nurse or medical assistant can assist. The average visit is approximately 40 minutes, however there can be a wide range depending on office protocol.

No. There might be some requirements for telehealth-only, but those guidelines are still being finalized.

Yes, cravings are associated with return to use and sometimes, buprenorphine/naloxone (Suboxone®) is used in that situation. Recommendations would be to start at lower doses (for example 2-4mg total daily dose) because the patient doesn’t/won’t have the same level of opioid tolerance.

External Resources

TIP 63: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder

This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) reviews the use of the three Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications used to treat OUD—methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine—and the other strategies and services needed to support recovery for people with OUD.

OBAT Clinical Guidelines

Collaborative care management of substance use disorders with emphasis on integration of low-barrier, evidence-based treatment utilizing medications for opioid use disorder. The focus of this most current guideline has expanded from Massachusetts and the Nurse, to a broader national audience of collaborative care teams including prescribers, recovery coaches, behavioral health team members, administration and support staff.

Practical Tools for Prescribing and Promoting Buprenorphine in Primary Care Settings

The primary care setting is a critical intervention point to increase diagnosis and treatment for patients with OUD. The American Academy of Family Physicians asserts that primary care providers’ delivery of patient-centered and compassionate care to diverse populations uniquely positions them to address the needs of patients with OUD. This resource document provides practical, evidence-based information for primary care providers and practices on prescribing buprenorphine to individuals in need of intervention. It discusses implementation considerations and strategies for primary care providers and primary care organizations to facilitate their understanding, planning activities, and implementation of buprenorphine prescribing.

Reimbursement for Medications for Addiction Treatment Toolkit

Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment and an individual’s life experience.

OBAT Clinical Tools and Forms

A collection of clinical tools and form to use while working with patients with MOUD.

Guidelines for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnant and Parenting Patients

The purpose of these clinical guidelines is to provide detailed policies and protocols for the treatment of substance use disorder in pregnant and parenting patients utilizing buprenorphine and naltrexone formulations at Boston Medical Center.

The ASAM National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) developed this National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder to provide information on evidence-based treatment of opioid use disorder.

Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorder Toolkit: Guidance to Support High-Quality Care

The research on telehealth for mental health and other chronic conditions is extensive and has shown that overall, telehealth delivered care, including medication visits and psychotherapy, is no less effective than traditional in-person care in many situations.

Substance Use Confidentiality Regulations

The Disclosure of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records: How Do I Exchange Part 2 Data? fact sheet describes how 42 CFR Part 2 applies to the electronic exchange of healthcare records with a Part 2 Program.

Disclosure of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records: Does Part 2 Apply to Me?

Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 2: Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records (Part 2) was first promulgated in 1975 to address concerns about the potential use of substance use disorder (SUD) information in non-treatment-based settings such as administrative or criminal hearings related to the patient.

Fact Sheet 42 CFR Part 2 Final Rule

On February 8, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Office for Civil Rights announced a final rule modifying the Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Patient Records regulations at 42 CFR part 2 (“Part 2”). With this final rule, HHS is implementing the confidentiality provisions of section 3221 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act – PDF (enacted March 27, 2020), which require the Department to align certain aspects of Part 2 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Rules and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH).

Frequently Asked Questions: Applying the Substance Abuse Confidentiality Regulations to Health Information Exchange (HIE)

This document is an educational document from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It was prepared by SAMHSA staff, in collaboration with staff from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, and contractors and should not be considered legal advice.



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  2. The ASAM National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. (2020). ASAM, 1-95. Retrieved from:
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The content on this page presented by the Overdose Prevention Engagement Network (OPEN) is intended solely to inform and educate healthcare professionals, and shall not be used for medical advice and is not a substitute for the advice or treatment of a qualified medical professional. For specific patient questions, submit a consultation request to OPEN.