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Michigan OPEN

New Programs – Winter 2024 Newsletter

Dec 18, 2024


At OPEN, we are dedicated to ensuring that individuals across Michigan have access to the highest quality care. One of the pivotal medications in this field, Buprenorphine, plays a crucial role in helping people living with opioid use disorder (OUD) on their recovery journey.

We are excited to announce that on March 5, 2025, we will be hosting another session of our highly regarded training program, “An Introduction to Treating Patients with Buprenorphine for Primary Care Providers.” This online training is designed to equip healthcare providers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and treat patients with OUD using Buprenorphine.

As we inch closer and closer to the holidays, OPEN would like to remind you that this time of year can be difficult for some. With 2025 quickly approaching, please take a moment to think about how we can treat others with kindness and reduce the amount of stigma we see in our communities. Remember, our words matter. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone is treated with respect and care, regardless of where they happen to be on their journey.

Happy Holidays!

Amy Bohnert, Ph.D., M.H.S.

OPEN Executive Director


OPEN is very excited to announce that four new programs are launching, just in time for the new year! All applications will open January 6th, 2025 and awards will run in quarterly cycles. See OPEN’s Programs for more information and to apply today.

Youth Board Program: allows Michigan youth to come together and develop resources to share with their peers. Interested young people can visit the OPEN Teen page to see what the first iteration of our Youth Board was able to accomplish.

Community Naloxone Kit Distribution Program: allows organizations to apply for naloxone kits to hand out to their community. Each kit will include 1 box of naloxone, a Learn the Facts: Naloxone brochure, 1 pair of gloves, 1 CPR face shield, and 1 kit bag with administration instructions.

Medication Disposal Pouches Program: continues the partnership between OPEN and Deterra by giving organizations medium sized Deterra pouches to pass out. One medium size pouch is 5″ x 8″ x 2.5” and will allow people to practice safe at-home disposal.

SAFE Storage + Disposal Kit Program: gives organizations safe storage and disposal kits consisting of a large Safe Rx locking pill vial and a small Deterra medication pouch. The SAFE acronym stands for; Secure your medications, Ask your pharmacist, Follow through on disposal, and Empower your community.

Read More!


OPEN’s support services include a wide variety of free programs. Explore our full program portfolio for free offerings from co-branded educational materials to naloxone vending machines.

NOTE: The OPEN consultation service will be unavailable December 25, 2024 – January 1, 2025. We will resume normal consultation hours (Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm) on January 2, 2025.


For prescribers, all webinar credits qualify for the DEA required SUD training. FREE CME, MCBAP and Social Work CE credits.

Pediatric Postoperative Pain Management: Toolkit Review + Best Practices

January 16, 2025

@ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1.0 CME Credit Pending


Erin Perrone, MD

When providing surgical care to pediatric or adolescent patients, providers must be prepared to help the patient and their family understand all of the options for postoperative pain management. This webinar will review and share resources for enacting the best practices for prescribing opioids or non-opioid medications, including the simultaneous administration of ibuprofen and acetaminophen, collaboration with Primary Care Providers (PCPs), and educating caregivers on expectations and pain management techniques.

Emerging Drug Trends in Michigan

January 22, 2025

@ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1.0 CE Credit Pending



Elaine Dougherty – Michigan State Police

Join us for an insightful webinar exploring the latest emerging drug trends in Michigan, where we’ll delve into current patterns affecting communities across the state. We’ll explore the significant implications these trends have on public health and safety throughout the state. Additionally, we will discuss how these trends are affecting public health, safety, and community well-being while exploring effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

Mosaic Approaches to ADHD and Stimulant Use Disorder

February 26, 2025

@ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1.0 CE Credit Pending



Vita McCabe, MD, MHSA

Join us for a comprehensive webinar to explore the key challenges and effective strategies for managing individuals with ADHD and co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD). We will review the complexities of diagnosing ADHD in individuals with SUD, discuss best practices for evaluation, and examine distinctive characteristics of stimulant misuse, along with strategies for minimizing the risk of misuse in prescribed patients. Additionally, we will explore the trajectory of stimulant use disorder in adolescents diagnosed with ADHD.

Introduction to Treating Patients with Buprenorphine for Primary Care Providers

March 5, 2025

@ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

4.0 CME Credits Pending


Chris Frank, MD

Eliza Hutchinson, MD

Primary Care Providers (Physicians and Advanced Practice Professionals) who attend this MOUD training are eligible to receive a $250 incentive.


Education is crucial to making a difference. Providing up-to-date resources with best practices is how real change can truly take hold.

Naloxone Vending Machines Implementation Guide

Use this guide to implement a naloxone vending machine at your organization.

Neurobiology of Addiction Educational Guide

Use this guide to learn how addiction alters the brain and how to treat through a multidisciplinary approach.

Stigma Reduction Brochure

Learn how understanding and addressing stigma can make a profound impact on care, recovery, and wellbeing.

Candy or Medication Resource

Can you tell which is candy and which is medication? Test your identification skills and learn why it’s crucial to differentiate them to prevent accidental health risks.

Urine Drug Testing – Ordering and Interpretation Guide

Use this guide to help order urine testing and interpret the results.

Alcohol Use Disorder Educational Guide

Use this guide to learn more about Alcohol Use Disorder and how to treat it.

Crosswalk between Procedure Codes and Surgical Procedures

This resource provides a linkage from the 2014-2022 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Services and Procedures algorithm to define 1,082 discrete categories for surgical procedures. This was created with the goal of providing a practical tool to identify surgical procedure groups to examine patterns of perioperative care

Managing Pain After Childbirth Toolkit

A practical guide for clinicians to learn more about implementing the COMFORT (Creating Optimal Pain Management for Tailoring Interventions after Childbirth) Clinical Practice Guideline.

Xylazine Wound Care

Learn more about xylazine and how to care for xylazine-associated wounds.


Access literature with OPEN’s publication portfolio. We use evidence to inform public health policy and practice recommendations.

Support for Expanding Access to Cannabis Among Physicians and Adults With Chronic Pain

  • JAMA Network Open, 9/3/2024
  • This survey study reports opinions of patients with chronic pain and physicians who treat chronic pain on policies regarding access to cannabis for chronic pain management. Compared with physicians, adults with chronic pain reported greater support for policies expanding access to cannabis and less support for policies further regulating medical cannabis. People who used cannabis for chronic pain were most in favor of expanding access, while physicians who had not recommended cannabis to people with chronic pain reported the least support. Most respondents supported training requirements for medical students and physicians on the use of cannabis for chronic noncancer pain.

Risk factors for persistent postoperative opioid use: an entity distinct from chronic postsurgical pain

  • Regional anesthesia and pain medicine, 9/11/2024
  • Although some clinicians and researchers approach persistent postoperative opioid use (PPOU) and chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) as conditions with significant overlap, they appear to have more risk factors that differ than those in common. The primary risk factors for PPOU identified were prior substance use/misuse, mental health disorders (particularly depression), a history of pain conditions (especially back pain), and the type of surgery performed.

New Persistent Opioid Use: Uncovering Mortality Risks for Surgical and Trauma Patients

  • Annals of Surgery, 10/8/2024
  • Opioid-related mortality continues to escalate in the United States and other countries. For many patients, their first exposure to an opioid is from a prescription for acute pain following surgery or trauma. Unfortunately, up to 1 in 10 patients who had no prescription opioid use in the months before surgery may continue to use opioid analgesics in the months after surgery, a condition termed ‘new persistent opioid use. As a result, an understanding of the impact of new persistent opioid use is important to advance the care for surgical patients. Despite the growing awareness of new persistent opioid use as potential complication after surgery, several gaps exist regarding our knowledge of the long-term consequences of the condition.

Genetic Associations of Persistent Opioid Use After Surgery Point to OPRM1 but Not Other Opioid-Related Loci as the Main Driver of Opioid Use Disorder

  • Genetic Epidemiology, 10/9/2024
  • Persistent opioid use after surgery is a common morbidity outcome associated with subsequent opioid use disorder, overdose, and death. While phenotypic associations have been described, genetic associations remain unidentified. Here, we conducted the largest genetic study of persistent opioid use after surgery, comprising ~40,000 non‐Hispanic, European‐ancestry Michigan Genomics Initiative participants. Our analysis of the genetic architecture of POU revealed shared genetic features with OUD, most notably in SNPs of OPRM1.Understanding the genetics shared between chronic opioid use and OUD provides further evidence of the shared biology of these two outcomes.

Providing surgeons with feedback on their patients’ postoperative home opioid consumption to limit postsurgical opioid prescribing and reduce unused pills: a pilot randomized clinical trial

  • Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 10/9/2024
  • An intervention nudging surgeons with their patients’ opioid consumption was feasible and acceptable. Surgeons found it useful, and utilizing patient data for personalized feedback did not elicit anger or pushback. Given the critical nature of prescriber buy-in for any such nudge, these results suggest an adequately powered efficacy trial is warranted. This could examine intervention intensity (number of nudges) and effect duration.

Risk Factors for Increased Opioid Use During Postoperative Intensive Care

  • Critical Care Explorations, 10/25/2024
  • In the ICU, opioids treat pain and improve ventilator tolerance as part of an analgosedation approach. Identifying predictors of opioid consumption during the ICU course might highlight actionable items to reduce opioid consumption. Mechanical ventilation and preoperative opioids were the strongest risk factors for postoperative ICU opioid consumption, whereas psychologic factors and genetic variants were not associated.

From Notes to Knowledge: Deciphering Perioperative Risky Substance Use through Natural Language Processing

  • Anesthesiology, 11/1/2024
  • Patients commonly use substances that pose risks to their health such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs in the perioperative period, with important implications for their anesthetic care. In recent surveys of patients presenting for surgery, more than two in five patients evaluated in the preoperative clinical setting endorsed some level of substance use that poses surgical risk, including use of cannabis products.

Consensus Statement on Pain Management for Pregnant Patients with Opioid-Use Disorder from the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

  • Anesthesiology, 11/1/2024
  • Patients commonly use substances that pose risks to their health such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs in the perioperative period, with important implications for their anesthetic care. In recent surveys of patients presenting for surgery, more than two in five patients evaluated in the preoperative clinical setting endorsed some level of substance use that poses surgical risk, including use of cannabis products.

Postoperative Opioid Consumption After Discharge: An Update From the Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative Registry

  • Annals of Surgery Open, 11/7/2024
  • Opioids remain a common treatment for postoperative pain of moderate-to-severe intensity not adequately addressed by nonopioid analgesics, but excessive prescribing correlates with increased usage. This analysis provides updates and compares patient-reported consumption in response to new guidelines. For most procedures, patient-reported opioid consumption decreased between 2018 and 2021 when compared to the period between 2018 and 2019. New guidelines were established for a dozen procedures to balance maximizing pain control with reducing harms from inappropriate prescribing.

“Doing the best we can”: Qualitative study of clinician experiences with opioid use disorder care in emergency departments

  • The American journal of emergency medicine, 11/26/2024
  • This study takes place within the context of the Michigan Emergency Department Improvement Collaborative (MEDIC). MEDIC is a network of more than 40 hospitals across Michigan that approaches quality improvement through a learning health system framework, including a shared data registry with audit and feedback reporting coupled with site clinical champions implementing practice change. This project has led a program focused on ED naloxone distribution for harm reduction since 2020. Hospitals from which participants were recruited were all enrolled in this ED naloxone quality initiative.

An Analysis of Opioid Consumption and Patient Recovery after Hysterectomy by Surgical Approach

  • Journal of women’s health, 11/28/2024
  • Minimally invasive hysterectomy is preferred to open hysterectomy due to lower morbidity, but recent data regarding the association of surgical approach with patient recovery and opioid consumption are lacking. Lower opioid consumption was reported with minimally invasive hysterectomy, with mean postoperative opioid consumption (95% CI) of 32.70 (27.15-38.26) MMEs for vaginal, 39.91 (37.17-42.65) MMEs for laparoscopic, and 54.97 (48.81-61.13) MMEs for open hysterectomy.


Administrative Specialist

We are seeking a dedicated Administrative Specialist to join our operations team. The ideal candidate will provide human resource support; facilitate the hiring, onboarding, offboarding, and timekeeping processes for our staff and research assistants. This candidate will also track all OPEN equipment, facilitate HITS/ITS service requests, and assist as a backup for our procurement processes. This role will require excellent communication and organization skills, team collaboration, and the ability to quickly learn and adapt in a fast-paced research environment.

Apply Today