Education is key for empowerment. We aim to provide patients and providers with resources to support informed decision making. OPEN offers a wide range of evidence-based materials that highlight the latest best practices for healthcare professionals, patients and their families from pain management to safe storage and disposal of medications.
Co-branding with your organization’s logo is also available for various materials, free of charge. Request today!
Harm ReductionNaloxone
Safe Use Supplies
Pain Management
Dentistry Pain Management
OB Pain Management
Opioid Prescribing
Pediatrics Pain Management
Surgery Pain Management
Safe Storage and Disposal
Stigma Reduction
Substance Use Disorder
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
SUD Surgical Care
Youth Engagement
Painless: The Opioid Musical
DentistryImpact Reports
Obstetrics and Gynecology

Candy or Medication
Can you tell which is candy and which is medication? Test your identification skills and learn why it’s crucial to differentiate them to prevent accidental health risks.

Stigma Reduction
Learn how understanding and addressing stigma can make a profound impact on care, recovery, and wellbeing.

Neurobiology of Addiction Educational Guide
Use this guide to learn how addiction alters the brain and how to treat through a multidisciplinary approach.

Educational Webinars YouTube Playlist
Missed a webinar or want to go back and rewatch one? Visit our YouTube playlist to find our past webinars.

Opioid Use in Michigan (2019): A Review of County-Level Opioid and Poverty-Related Data
Utilize our new Landscape Map and accompanying whitepaper to help reduce the impact of the opioid crisis.

Sharps and Liquids Safe Disposal
Learn how to safely dispose of needles, lancets, and liquid medications.

Managing Addiction Stigma in Treating Pain and OUD
This video details ways to manage addiction stigma while treating pain and OUD.

Ending Addiction Stigma
This video will explain the importance of ending addiction stigma and fully supporting OUD patients.

Law Enforcement Officers Roundtable Discussion
Learn from Law Enforcement Officers as they discuss SUD and OUD.

Intranasal Naloxone for First Responders Instructional Video
Teach first responders how to use intranasal naloxone.

First Responder Overdose Response – Take ACTION
Equip first responders on how to handle an opioid overdose with naloxone.

Permanent Disposal Guide
Learn how to implement a permanent medication disposal box program in your community.

Words Matter Video – Shatterproof
Changing our language improves outcomes for those struggling with addiction. Watch this brief video to learn more.

Addiction Language Guide – Shatterproof
Comprehensive addiction language guide to reduce use of stigmatizing language.

Medication Disposal
Learn how to facilitate discussion on safe disposal of unused opioids with your healthcare provider.

How to Perform Rescue Breathing – Take ACTION Overdose Training
Learning to perform rescue breathing on someone who is experiencing an opioid overdose.

Michigan Opioid Collaborative – Addressing OUD Stigma Presentation
Emily McCall and Tim Shewcraft from the Michigan Opioid Collaborative (MOC) share information about stigma and MOC’s resources for MOUD providers. Tim, a peer recovery coach, shares his personal experience with stigma and the impacts that provider stigma can have on a patient’s OUD treatment.

Medication Take Back Event Guide
Learn how to successfully host a Medication Take Back Event in your community.