Latest - Dec 17, 2024
OPEN Sunsets Two Current Offerings; Welcomes Four Brand New Programs going into 2025
On December 13th, OPEN officially sunsetted two of its community programs; Medication Disposal Products and Safe Storage Locking Pill Bottles. Together, these programs helped thousands of people across Michigan. Final awards will be sent to organizations during the beginning of 2025. The Medication Disposal Products program allowed organizations to apply to receive Deterra Medication Pouches […]Oct 8, 2020
Michigan OPEN is Hiring Students
Michigan OPEN is currently recruiting interested college and university students to be Research Assistants. This opportunity offers students medical and public health experience in a clinical research sphere.Oct 8, 2020
Virtual PCSS Buprenorphine Waiver Training Held on October 8, 2020
The MEDIC team hosted a virtual PCSS buprenorphine waiver training on October 8, 2020 for 86 ED providers from across Michigan. Drs. Brad Riley, Nick Rademacher, Andy King and Aaron Dora-Laskey served as trainers. BCBSM provided attendance incentives. The next training is scheduled for March 4, 2021.Sep 22, 2020
Medication-Assisted Treatment Waiver Training to be Held on October 8
The Michigan OPEN/MEDIC team will host a virtual eight-hour PCSS MAT waiver training on Oct. 8 targeted to Emergency Medicine providers. The training is co-sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and the Michigan Opioid Collaborative. Trainers are Drs. Andy King, Brad Riley, Nick Rademacher and Aaron Dora-Laskey. Another waiver training will be offered […]Sep 14, 2020
Fall Take Back Event Set for October 24, 2020
The fall 2020 national Take Back Day has been set for Saturday, Oct. 24. This event offers communities a safe opportunity to dispose of any unused medications. This is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic which has seen a rise in opioid use disorder and opioid-related mortalities. If you are interested in bringing a Take […]Aug 27, 2020
View Our Summer 2020 Newsletter
Michigan OPEN’s summer newsletter is now available to read. Learn more about how we have been continuing to combat the opioid epidemic during this time here. To subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on everything Michigan OPEN is doing, please fill out the form.Aug 18, 2020
Opioid-Related Mortalities Increase During COVID-19 Pandemic
Read the articles below to see how COVID-19 has impacted the opioid epidemic. Reports of increases in opioid-related overdose during COVID pandemic As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues, so does the nation’s opioid epidemic. Read more. Opioid overdoses in Michigan surge during the COVID-19 pandemic From April to June 2020, EMS responses for opioid overdose […]May 7, 2020
New Research Featured by the American Dental Education Association
A new Michigan OPEN paper has been featured by the American Dental Education Association. Authored by Dr. Romesh Nalliah, BDS, MHCM and Michigan OPEN clinical information analyst Brooke Kenney, MPH, the research focused on 329 patients who underwent either surgical or routine dental extractions and found that patients who used opioids after their procedure reported […]Apr 7, 2020
Spring 2020 Medication Take Back Event Canceled
Due to the COVID-19 health crisis, Michigan OPEN’s spring Take Back Event, planned for April 25th, has been canceled. In lieu of hosting spring take back events, Michigan OPEN will focus our efforts on a promotional campaign educating the public on the risks of keeping unused medications and the importance, and availability, of every day […]Mar 11, 2020
First naloxone kit dispensed at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing.
First naloxone kit dispensed at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing.Mar 6, 2020
Michigan OPEN and MEDIC Host Second Overdose Prevention Summit
On Feb. 26 in East Lansing, 62 Michigan emergency department physicians and nurse practitioners attended a medication-assisted treatment (MAT) training coordinated by the Michigan OPEN-MEDIC project team. Dr. Eric Ketcham, an ED physician, addiction specialist and MAT expert from New Mexico, conducted the 8-hour waiver training. Drs. Brad Riley (Spectrum Health), Andy King (Detroit Medical Center) and Nick Rademacher […]Mar 5, 2020
Follow Us on LinkedIn
Michigan OPEN is now on LinkedIn. Follow us to stay up to date on our latest research, events, educational materials and prescribing recommendations. Follow our page here.Feb 27, 2020