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Michigan OPEN


Latest - Oct 11, 2024

One Year Later: What’s Been Happening with OPEN’s Naloxone Vending Machines

Exactly one year ago today, on October 11th, 2023, OPEN and Michigan Medicine unveiled the first naloxone vending machine as part of our Naloxone Distribution and Vending Machine program in the Adult Emergency Department waiting room. This program started with the goal of bringing free access to naloxone to as many people across Michigan as […]
May 29, 2017

Four hours. Six locations. 15,000 opioids out of circulation.

Six locations across the State of Michigan participated in drug take-back events on May 20, 2017. The free, no questions asked chance to get rid of opioids and other unneeded medicines out of the house took place in Ann Arbor, Jackson, Saginaw, Traverse City, Escanaba, and Pontiac. The results of the combined events were significant, […]
May 1, 2017

Surgery Plays a Key Role in Long-Term Opioid Use

A new study from Michigan OPEN researchers suggests that having surgery may come with an additional risk: the risk of becoming a long-term opioid user. The team reviewed data from more than 36,000 nonelderly adults with private insurance who had only one operation in a two-year period from 2013 to 2014. None had an opioid […]
Apr 24, 2017

Michigan OPEN receives funding as part of State Targeted Response to the Opioid Crisis Grant

In an effort to help reduce opioid use and abuse, Michigan recently received more than $16 million in federal funds. This is one step of many being taken to help more families find support and treatment for addiction. The funding itself was awarded to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services through the State […]
Apr 21, 2017

Michigan OPEN JAMA Surgery article featured in the press

A recent study by Michigan OPEN suggests that opioid use after surgery might not be due to pain from operations. Dr. Chad Brummett, Co-director of Michigan OPEN and the study lead, states that “chronic opioid use after surgery may be one of the most common complications after surgery.” In addition to this, the study found that […]
Nov 11, 2016

Michigan OPEN launches with $1.4M/year state grant to prevent surgery-related opioid addiction across Michigan

The University of Michigan recently launched a major effort to prevent surgery-related opioid addiction across Michigan through Michigan OPEN. Drawing from a $1.4 million yearly state grant from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan OPEN, or Opioid Prescribing Engagement Network, aims to work with networks of doctors, nurses, and hospitals across the […]
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