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Michigan OPEN

Education + Training (Original)

Empowering medical professionals with the latest research and best practices concerning opioid prescribing and use is a substantial part of our mission at OPEN. We offer free, self-paced online courses with continuing education credits to help make the most informed, evidence-based choices for patients.

NEW Training Requirements

Beginning June 27, 2023, practitioners who are renewing or applying for a new controlled substance DEA license must complete 8-hours of substance use disorder (SUD) training. Accredited trainings completed before this time may count toward the 8-hours. For further details on this requirement, visit ACCME or SAMHSA. Check out OPEN’s free continuing education offerings to meet the new requirements: DEA required SUD training resources.

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers have the ability to directly impact the opioid epidemic by learning and implementing best-practice care management. Providers often have one-on-one opportunities to counsel patients in how to manage pain and minimize risks of opioid use as well as detect potential misuse. Explore current thinking on acute care prescribing by registering for our free, self-paced online courses and earn continuing education credits.

NEW DEA Required SUD Training

Check out OPEN’s free continuing education offerings to meet the new requirements.



Dentists are the number one prescribers of opioids to teens and young adults in the United States. Learn more about the role dentists can play in the opioid crisis, including reducing the number of opioids prescribed post-surgery, alternative pain management strategies, best practices around safe disposal, and more. Register for our free, self-paced online classes below and earn continuing education credits.

Community Workers

Our course for all community workers and non-prescribing providers offers evidenced-based education on best-practice care management that can empower providers to directly impact the opioid epidemic including stigma reduction, alternative pain management strategies, best practices around safe disposal, and more. Register for our free, self-paced online classes below and earn continuing education credits.