Open Community Workers
You’re on the frontlines, helping to manage the complex issues associated with chronic opioid use and dependency. We’re working to change the way opioids are dispensed and used by offering evidenced-based alternatives for healthcare providers and patients, while also trying to affect legislation to combat the epidemic. Here you can find resources, like:Novel Psychoactive Substance of 2023
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss an overview of Novel Psychoactive Substances.
Alcohol Use Disorders: Epidemiology and Clinical Best Practices
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss Alcohol Use Disorder including best practices for screening and brief interventions in clinical or community health settings.
Kratom, Aggression and Psychosis
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss what Kratom is and why people use it, diagnosis, and treatment for Kratom use.
Post X-Waiver: Improving Buprenorphine Access at the Community Pharmacy
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss general prescribing practices, barriers encountered by patients and pharmacists, and strategies to overcoming these barriers when dispensing buprenorphine prescriptions.
SUD/MOUD in Our Communities, Break the Stigma to Break the Cycle
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss the stigmas associated with SUD and OUD within Michigan communities and steps we can take to mitigate the effects.
Substance Use and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders
This free, 1-hour CME course will discuss different types of co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders and best practices for management.
Great MOMs: Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy
This free, 1-hour CME course will discuss the background of GREAT MOMs and treating pregnant people with OUD.
Substance Use During Adolescence: An Overview of Trends, Risk Factors and Consequences
This free, 1 hour CME course will discuss the trends, risk factors and findings of substance use during adolescence.
Telehealth for Substance Use Disorder Treatment in a Post-Pandemic World
This free, 1-hour CME course will discuss telehealth for SUD treatment, post COVID-19 pandemic.
A Modern Understanding of the Addicted Brain
This free, 1-hour CME course outlines the basics the human brain works and how substance use alters normal brain function.
Enhancing Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
This free, 1-hour CME course will discuss barriers to accessing MOUD and low-barriers practices that can enhance access to MOUD treatment.
Stigma & Substance Use Disorders
This free, 1-hour CME course will discuss stigma and how this impacts substance use disorder.
Fentanyl Test Strip Pocket Guide
Learn how to use fentanyl test strips to reduce risk of an overdose.
Transitional Pain Service Financial Tool
Explore our free financial tool to tailor insights to your organization on the potential costs and benefits of starting a transitional pain service.
Words Matter Video – Shatterproof
Changing our language improves outcomes for those struggling with addiction. Watch this brief video to learn more.
Addiction Language Guide – Shatterproof
Comprehensive addiction language guide to reduce use of stigmatizing language.
Risky Substance Use in Surgery Toolkit
Learn more about how risky substance use impacts patients having surgery and best practices for identification and coordination of care for those with risky use.
Michigan Opioid Collaborative – Addressing OUD Stigma Presentation
Emily McCall and Tim Shewcraft from the Michigan Opioid Collaborative (MOC) share information about stigma and MOC’s resources for MOUD providers. Tim, a peer recovery coach, shares his personal experience with stigma and the impacts that provider stigma can have on a patient’s OUD treatment.
COVID’s Impact on the Opioid Crisis
This video will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the opioid crisis.
COVID’s Impact on the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder
This video will discuss the impact COVID-19 had on the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder.